The Future of Feedback: Saying Goodbye to Paper

How often do you despair at the forest of feedback forms that need inputting into your CRM? I can imagine the answer is something similar to; ‘there’s not a forest of them, but yes it does take a while’. If that is not your answer feel free to scoff at how you defeated me and proved I cannot actually read minds. However, at most events, whether business, educational etc. the average response is a 5%-20% return rate on feedback forms. This then leaves you with enough sheets of paper to be held personally responsible for the destruction of the rainforest.

Glisser began in part from our founders’ frustration at the lack of a succinct way to collate data collected and process it effectively. He calculated how long it would take two people to process all the data from roughly 200 events in a year, with 50 delegates at each and around 20 data fields. This came to the huge total of 200,000 CRM entries. Which ultimately, becomes an enormous 400 man days of solid data entry.

I’ll give you a moment to allow the shock to dissipate as you sit back in your chair or accidentally punch someone in the back if you’re standing up on the tube. If only there was a software that allowed you to collect all your data in one place- already sorted and with some extras thrown in. Normally for a really high percentage data capture you need a rather big net. No longer.

Everyone knows that the collection of raw data is imperative to any company. Enabling them to win budget for the next event or to simply measure response levels during different parts of the conference. Visa Europe Collab held its first Visa Europe Innovation Exchange in Tel Aviv, Israel this September. They approached Glisser to provide a solution to capturing audience questions and feedback raised during and after the event. To ensure high levels of feedback, we created a survey for the audience on the same platform as the presentations, allowing us to assemble and collect hundreds of raw data entries for them. And we managed this without a big net.

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