Check out the new Glisser On-Demand Content Hub

Check out the new Glisser On-Demand Content Hub

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Joining Instructions with Marketo

If you have a Marketo integration with Glisser, you may wish to send the joining link for your sessions or events through Marketo’s email function. However, there are some important things to note so that your attendees can access the event or session properly.

The correct URL for Glisser sessions or events would be:

By default, Marketo adds a tracking URL onto links in emails, but Glisser does not support URL parameters and this can result in a broken link when trying to access sessions within an event. Please follow these steps to disable the Marketo URL Parameters.

1.Select your email and click Edit Draft.

2. Double-click the editable section that contains the link:

3. Click the link, and then click the Insert/Edit Link button.

4. In the Edit Link pop-up, you can uncheck the Track Link checkbox.

5. The Include mkt_tok box will then disappear. Click Apply.

6. Click SAVE.


Unchecking “Include mkt_tok” will still allow the link to be tracked, but after redirect, the destination URL will not include the mkt_tok query string parameter. This will then prevent issues on Glisser’s events and sessions.

How increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee?

For more information on how you can use Glisser to increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee, please

How increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee?