Elements are not working with dynamic parameters (Slient login)

I have set up an example and use slient login into the useSession function. But seems it is not working and the session is not loading.

Just show a black screen. with error message code not found in the console.
with building js file to the site.

But works ok with the npm start command.
Can anyone please help me to find the exact solution so it should work on my site with slient login option?

import React from 'react'
import {
} from '@glisser/react'
const App = () => {
 const [session, setSession] = useSession({
  code: '2r1raHQ',
  identifier: 'email@email.com',
  return (
        display: 'grid',
        gridTemplateColumns: '1fr 1fr',
        gridGap: '10px',
        <SlideFeed session={session} setSession={setSession} boarding={true} />
        <SlideTab session={session} setSession={setSession} />
        <CommentFeed session={session} setSession={setSession} />
        <NoteFeed session={session} />
export default App

I was using the above code in my app.js file and using the production build app.build.js file to site.

Hi Ryan, apologies for the slow reply - it was a bank holiday here on Friday and Monday. We’re looking into this for you and will get back asap with a proper response.

Hi Ryan, we’ve looked into this and found a bug on our end. We’re going to get it fixed soon, but in the meantime there is a workaround.

For the session you’re trying to attend, if you change the ID capture to something other than email and then change it back it should resolve the problem.

I’ll let you know once we ship a fix.



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Hi Ryan, today we release Glisser Elements version 0.0.40, which amongst other things, resolves this issue. I’ll be dropping full release notes in the forum soon - but just wanted to give you a heads up first.

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Hi Ben, Me again.

We have tried Silent login with the latest release too, But when we set id capture to email/valid email under data security it is not working. But when we set it to Off. It works fine.

Would you please check this I’m sharing the sample code here.

import React from 'react'
import {
} from '@glisser/react'
const App = () => {
  const [session, setSession] = useSession({
     code: 'fddfddd',
    identifier: 'ryan@gmail.com',
  return (
        display: 'grid',
        gridTemplateColumns: '1fr 1fr',
        gridGap: '10px',
        <SlideFeed session={session} setSession={setSession} boarding={true} />
        <SlideTab session={session} setSession={setSession} />
        <CommentFeed session={session} setSession={setSession} />
        <NoteFeed session={session} />
export default App

Hey Ryan, can you give us the Glisser code you were trying to access please? Also, any example error messages you have might be useful for us to help diagnose.