To stream live video in up to 1080p HD through Vimeo, you need is camera and a Vimeo Premium or Vimeo Enterprise account - these are both paid accounts. To learn more about Premium and its associated live streaming capabilities, go here.

Create Your Stream

The first step to going live is creating your event on Vimeo. Head to your Vimeo account dashboard.

  •  Click “Upload” in the top right corner of your vimeo page.
  • On the right side of this page, click the Create live event button, and you’ll be prompted to enter the name, date, time, and privacy of your event.
  • Note that scheduling your live event for a given time still requires you to manually begin streaming at that time.
  • Pressing the Next button will take you to the live settings page, which is the control center for your live stream.
  • The live settings page is where you can access your stream’s Vimeo URL, add a thumbnail, grab the embed code for your stream, enable live viewer chat, and (when you’re ready!) go live.
  • The onsite tab contains the shareable link for your stream on Vimeo, this is the link you will need to upload to Glisser. It should look something like, you’ll just need to copy the numbers after the “/“. Paste the link into the Livestream URL after selecting Vimeo as your stream provider.

  • Have a look at the overview video below:

Going Live

  • When you’re done adjusting your settings and you are ready to stream, click Next on the top right of the live settings page and allow your browser access to your webcam. You will now see two tabs, Webcam and Connect (RTMP).

The Webcam tab shows our Browser-Based Encoder preview. Clicking Webcam Settings allows you to connect your webcam and microphone as inputs and begin streaming directly from your desktop browser, provided it supports WebRTC protocol (we recommend Chrome 28+, but Firefox 22+ and Safari 11+ both support WebRTC as well).

  • If you have any other connected inputs, such as USB microphones and webcams, these should show up in the dropdown menus as well.
  • Some more advanced inputs may require an external encoder to work on Vimeo.
  • In addition, when you use a Webcam to go live via the browser, you have the option to share your screen, a specific application, or an open tab in Chrome, which is great for presenting your Glisser presentation. This feature only works on Google Chrome.

Connect (RTMP)
The Connect tab contains your RTMP URL and Stream Key for your event. Copy and paste the RTMP URL and Stream Key into the destination field of your broadcast encoder and when your event is ready to start, just begin streaming from your encoder. Your stream signal will be broadcast live to your viewers, regardless of the status of your webcam and the browser encoder. Vimeo recommend starting a local recording of your stream from within your encoder at this point as well, just in case of any problems with your internet connection.

Livestream Studio
The Connect tab also contains a link to Livestream Studio, so you can learn more about using this broadcast software, which is included with the Vimeo Premium membership. This software has been designed to work perfectly when streaming to Vimeo, and contains many advanced production features not found in any other production software or hardware. For more information on Livestream Studio, please check out the Livestream Help Center.

Stream Preview

If you are streaming via an external encoder, you have the option to toggle on a stream preview which allows you to start streaming from the encoder and see a low-latency preview of your stream in the player alongside its stream health before going live to your audience. This is off by default and would need to be configured for each individual event.

This video provides a walkthrough of the Live settings and the process of going live:


Once you have configured your settings all you need to do it present the session on Glisser and you’ll be ready to go! The stream will begin whenever you go choice to go live on your vimeo page.

More Information

See LiveStream’s Help Center for more information on live streaming.

Related Guides and Resources

Integrating with Wordly

Glisser and Wordly together provide real time translation while delivering presentations in a virtual, hybrid, or live environment.

Jitsi Meet in Glisser

Jitsi is a very simple and secure video conferencing platform. The great thing about Jitsi is that there is no call admin - the meeting starts as soon as the first person joins!

Vimeo to Restream Scheduler

Related FAQs

Is Glisser LIVE available to view on mobile and tablet?

Can I stream using Switcher Studio?

Can I use Glisser LIVE with the Event structure?
