June 30 Webinar: Crafting the Ultimate RFP for your Webinar

June 30 Webinar: Crafting the Ultimate RFP for your Webinar

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Setting Up A Hybrid Event

With Glisser you can live stream your event whilst also making the most out of all the interactive features of the regular Glisser platform. It’s perfect for adding onto your event (hybrid event), or alternatively as a web-only event.

Setting up your Presentation

You can setup your Glisser presentation as normal. The only notable things to bear in mind are:

  • Videos – If you include any videos embedded into your presentation you will need to consider how your in-room and remote audience can view it. It’s usually best to show your video on the main screen in the room, and provide your remote audience a link to view the video (and remember to mute the stream audio during the video).
  • Polls – If you are planning on showing poll results on the main screen it’s advisable to enable Share results to audience devices. This is especially important if the stream does not show the screen and slides within shot.
Your Audience Access Code

The link for your remote audience will be exactly the same as your in room link e.g glsr.live/yourcode. Just remember to remind your in room audience to ensure they have their devices switched over to the engagement view rather than the livestream – a room full of people playing the same livestream video may be a little disruptive (let alone eat up a huge chunk of bandwidth!)

Your Live Stream

There are a number of ways in which you can live stream your event – from a cheap webcam to a full AV crew. See our guide on streaming options. Essentially though, you would just need to insert your live stream link in advance of the event, adding this into the Live Streaming tab whilst editing your session.

Branding and Customisation

You can brand and customise your session as normal within the Personalisation tab.

Customisation options include:

  • You can select from either a light or dark theme, and an accent color to match your brand.
  • Below the stream will be the be the presentation title.
  • There is a square logo displayed below the stream.
  • There is an option to add a related link. This is perfect for any follow up from your event (donation links, LinkedIn profiles etc).
Things to consider

Here’s a number of points you may want to consider and discuss with your AV/production team.

  • What live streaming platform are you using? Vimeo has a higher latency than YouTube for example. If you have any polls then you may want to take the latency into consideration so that polls can be timed well.
  • If you are using YouTube, can your livestream be embedded into Glisser?
  • Will all of your content and speakers be pre-recorded, live or a mixture of both?
  • Do you want your presentation slides to be presented through Glisser, the livestream, or both; and how will you prepare your speakers?

How increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee?

For more information on how you can use Glisser to increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee, please

How increase attendance and reduce cost per attendee?