
Make Every Event Count

The award-winning tech platform powering unique company event experiences, anywhere.

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Responsive Website
Responsive Website

Create events your audiences will love, wherever they are.

Glisser’s technology platform enables companies to power unique and engaging event experiences for their customers, partners, investors and employees, face-to-face, online, and in-between.

Our best-in-class virtual, in-person and hybrid event tools give you the power to wow and make every event a memorable one.

Ambition counts, size doesn’t. Glisser believes that every company should be able to deliver its dream event, whether it’s a highly focused interactive training session or communicating to 150,000 attendees spread across the globe.

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Virtual events

The Glisser platform has been developed by event-industry veterans to go beyond basic video and screen sharing tech, to power inspiring, high participation events of any size.

From the moment they enter, your attendees can be asked to contribute to the event through our unmatched engagement tools.

Attendees can move around your event as they choose, watching and interacting with presentations on single or multiple stages in real time. They can enter sponsored content hubs or breakout rooms optimized for maximum engagement, and can even access your content on-demand after your event for as long as you decide.

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Virtual Events
Feature Panel Virtual

Events that blend virtual & in-person

Since 2016 we’ve been leading the way with an audience-first approach to company events.

Glisser brings together an all-purpose, entirely customizable, virtual venue with a suite of tools to unify the event experience for all attendees, wherever they are.

Inspire, engage and bring people together - our unique approach to slide and content sharing means every attendee, whether in-person or online, experiences content in its intended format.

The result is a more immersive experience that audiences will stick around for. Plus you benefit from a single, real-time data platform for all your participation analytics.

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Hybrid Events
Features Panel Hybrid

Professional services

We make it easy to make every event count. Our client support team is always on hand to help provide setup and training, inspiration, and events management, all to help you create events audiences will love.

All events are different, so we have a menu of options to enable you to pick and choose what you need to deliver your event with confidence.

With Glisser your support service is made to measure with full transparency on deliverables, pricing and SLAs.

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Feature Panel Support

News & Updates

Ready to try Glisser for yourself?

Jump into a 14-day Free Trial to explore the audience engagement features Glisser offers.

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Removing Barriers to Engagement

Wordly COO explains how AI-driven simultaneous interpretation improves audience engagement by expanding inclusivity.

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New Appointments
Press Release: Glisser Makes strategic New Appointments

Glisser has today announced the appointment of two new board members and a new senior hire as it focuses on growth.

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